R programming ------------- Fedora Scientific includes `R `__ - a software environment for statistical computing. The `R manuals `__ are a good place to get started as well as extensive documentaion on R. The `R-help `__ is a mailing list which can be used to seek help on R. `rkward `__ - a GUI for R is also installed. R development in Jupyter ======================== Using `IRkernel `__, you can run your R code in `Jupyter notebooks `__. First, you will have to install the ``czmq-devel`` package using ``dnf -y install czmq-devel`` from the terminal. Then start the ``R`` interactive shell from the terminal (``$R``) and as per the `install instructions `__, do: .. code:: > install.packages(c('rzmq','repr','IRkernel','IRdisplay'), repos = c('http://irkernel.github.io/', getOption('repos')), type = 'source') Once that completes, run the following: .. code:: > IRkernel::installspec() Now, start the Jupyter notebook server using ``ipython3 notebook`` and you will be able to select the ``R`` kernel.