Miscellaneous ------------- Fedora Scientific includes the following miscellaneous software. Bibliography ============ `BibTool `__ is installed to help you in manipulating BibTex data bases. To learn more about its features, please visit the project's homepage. Document arrangement ==================== `pdfshuffler `__ - a tool for rearranging and modifying PDF files is available. Screenshot taking software ========================== `shutter `__ a screenshot taking tool is installed for taking screenshots if KDE's `KSnapshot` is not meeting one's needs. Terminal Multiplexers ===================== For power users doing most of their work from a terminal, the terminal multiplexers, `tmux `__ and `screen `__ are installed. IRC Client ========== While working with open source projects, IRC is a useful mechanism for becoming part of a project's community, seeking and providing help. `hexchat `__ is installed for communicating via IRC channels. rlwrap ====== `rlwrap `__ is a readline wrapper and runs any command by "wrapping GNU readline" around it. It proves useful when working with interactive command line tools which does not use readline for an enhanced command line working experience.